Friday, April 29, 2011

Are You a Dental Procrastinator?

Most of us are procrastinators when it comes to our dental health. You know the visit the dentist, we tell you that you have some old fillings that are leaking, breaking down, and we see decay around the margins. You should either have them replaced with composite (tooth colored, resin) fillings or even have them replaced with a crown due to extensive decay or cracks. You know you should just pull the trigger and schedule the appointment, but you don't really want to. So, you wait, and wait, and wait. Then you schedule a trip out of town and you break your tooth. All of a sudden, you wish you had just had the work done when you could have planned it. Now you have to wait to get back in town before you can get your tooth fixed.

Please treat your teeth like you want to keep them and take care of your necessary dental work! Trust me, it isn't all that the last post, "Diary of an Anxious Dental Patient". I did it..and I'm married to the dentist! We have so many distractions that we will be finished before you know it! There are T.V.s at each operatory, headphones with your choice of music, nitrous oxide ( laughing gas), and the best dentist and staff around. So, what you waiting for???Just call and do it!

Debbie Johnson

Brian D. Johnson, DMD
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell, GA 30076

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