Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Roswell Dentist- Tonsil Stones , One Cause of Bad Breath

I would probably never have thought to write about "tonsil stones" if our daughter had not run downstairs completely grossed out that something had fallen out of her tonsils. I have had the pleasant experience of this happening to my wife; but it was before the wonderful world of the internet. At that time, we figured it was gone never to be seen again...

After a quick Google search, I realized that these little white/yellow bits of nastiness that fall out of tonsils are called "Tonsilloliths", or "Tonsil Stones". According to WebMD,
What Causes Tonsil Stones?

Your tonsils are filled with nooks and crannies where bacteria and other materials, including dead cells and mucous, can become trapped. When this occurs, the debris can become concentrated in white formations that occur in the pockets.

Tonsil stones, or tonsilloliths, are formed when this trapped debris hardens, or calcifies. This tends to occur most often in people who suffer from chronic inflammation in their tonsils or repeated bouts of tonsillitis.

While many people have small tonsilloliths that develop in their tonsils, it is quite rare to have a large and solidified tonsil stone.

What Are the Symptoms of Tonsil Stones?

Many small tonsil stones do not cause any noticeable symptoms. Even when they are large, some tonsil stones are only discovered incidentally on X-rays or CT scans. Some larger tonsilloliths, however, may have multiple symptoms:

Bad breath . One of the prime indicators of a tonsil stone is exceedingly bad breath, or halitosis, that accompanies a tonsil infection. One study of patients with a form of chronic tonsillitis used a special test to see if volatile sulfur compounds were contained in the subjects' breath. The presence of these foul-smelling compounds provides objective evidence of bad breath. The researchers found that 75% of the people who had abnormally high concentrations of these compounds also had tonsil stones. Other researchers have suggested that tonsil stones be considered in situations when the cause of bad breath is in question.

Sore throat . When a tonsil stone and tonsillitis occur together, it can be difficult to determine whether the pain in your throat is caused by your infection or the tonsil stone. The presence of a tonsil stone itself, though, may cause you to feel pain or discomfort in the area where it is lodged.

White debris. Some tonsil stones are visible in the back of the throat as a lump of solid white material. This is not always the case. Often they are hidden in the folds of the tonsils. In these instances, they may only be detectable with the help of non-invasive scanning techniques, such as CT scans or magnetic resonance imaging.

Difficulty swallowing. Depending on the location or size of the tonsil stone, it may be difficult or painful to swallow foods or liquids.

Ear pain. Tonsil stones can develop anywhere in the tonsil. Because of shared nerve pathways, they may cause a person to feel referred pain in the ear, even though the stone itself is not touching the ear.

Tonsil swelling. When collected debris hardens and a tonsil stone forms, inflammation from infection (if present) and the tonsil stone itself may cause a tonsil to swell or become larger.

So, it looks like tonsil stones are fairly harmless; but the bad breath that they can cause are troublesome. Warm salt water rinses can help the body to rid the tonsils of the stones and other bad breath causing bacteria. If the problem persists, it is recommended that you see a physician.

Brian D. Johnson, D.M.D
Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell,GA 30076

Friday, May 27, 2011

Roswell Dentist - Team Spotlight, Meet Dr J!

It has my pleasure to talk about our entire team. It seems fitting to complete the series giving you a personal look at Dr Johnson. Dr Brian Johnson is caring dentist. He is also a devoted family man. He happens to be my husband. He puts up with me in the office and at home. Some say that this partnership requires a strong marriage, and there is alot of truth in that that.

  • A few reasons his patients and I think he is the best:
  • He gives his patients honest dental advice.
  • He understands that dental work can be expensive.
  • We try our best to create a treatment plan to fit our patients' budget and their long and short term dental goals.
  • He always gives a couple of treatment options.
  • He teaches and educates each and every patient.
  • He does beautiful cosmetic work
  • He gives a painless shot...no kidding!
  • He offers laughing gas

We get great comments all the time about his technique. Don't believe me, check them out for your self...GREAT PATIENT TESTIMONIALS

Thanks for playing along. What dental questions do you have?

Debbie Johnson
Dental blogger extraordinaire

Brian Johnson, DMD
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell,GA 30076

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Crazy lady in the dentist office! on Twitpic

Crazy lady in the dentist office! on Twitpic

Do You Have a Personal Trainer For Your Mouth?

If you have every used a personal trainer, you know what they do. They encourage you to take care of your body through regular exercise and a healthy diet. The first time I used one, I felt very self conscious. I was nervous to schedule the appointment. I was embarrassed to let her see how out of shape I was. I hear from NEW patients that they feel that way about going to a new dentist. This is especially so, if it has been a while since they last saw a dentist. They are afraid of what the dentist will think of them and embarrassed that they have waited so long in between visits. For some patients, it has been as long as 10 years since their last dental visit. These are some of the things patients have told us over the years.
  • They have been anxious about choosing a dentist.
  • They are also nervous about calling the new office.
  • They are nervous about getting dental x-rays taken.
  • They are nervous that something big will be wrong with their mouth.
  • They are nervous about driving to /finding the office.

Here is a little secret, we are probably the least scary people I know. We area great team who are VERY good at what we do. What we do is give you exceptional dental care with exceptional customer service.
We will help you overcome all of the above fears, as well as the ones that live in your own head. 

Want to hear something really scary? Dr Johnson  tells every patient to stay on a regular cleaning schedule. He tells patients to take care of their teeth to the best of their ability. Not so scary? I didn't think so. Just think of us as your personal trainer for your mouth! Don't wait another day to meet us!

Debbie Johnson

Brian D.Johnson D.M.D.
Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell, GA 30076

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Put the Oxygen Mask on Yourself Before Your Children

Every time I fly, I hear the "if the oxygen masks fall, please put your oxygen mask on first before helping any small children". This flies in the face of all that a parent holds dear. We always care for our children before ourselves.

We see this in our office as well. Parents bring their children in with braces on their teeth. They pull into the parking lot almost on 2 wheels trying to balance ballet, baseball, football, and music lessons. We all do these things because we want them to have the best and be well rounded. When we recommend treatment for the parents, many times they say it is just not in the budget. Ballet, baseball, and music lessons add up.

However, some times you should put the oxygen mask on yourself first. You should also take care of your oral health. After all, you only have to take care of the teeth that you want to keep. Which ones do you want to keep?

Debbie Johnson

Brian D. Johnson, D.M.D.,PC
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell, GA

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Teeth Whitening or Teeth Blackening?

Asia is a land full of weird and wonderful customs and rituals. Throughout the continent there are literally thousands of different traditions that remain alive to this day and these customs often stem from religious beliefs that have been faithfully upheld for thousands of years.

A strangely interesting custom that is often misunderstood is the Vietnamese ritual of tooth blackening or tooth lacquering. Tooth blackening is not total uncommon for those Vietnamese people living traditional lives, nevertheless many tour guides still tell tourists the blackening is the result of chewing betel nut.

While this seems very strange to us, Americans have habits that may seem strange to outsiders. Smoking stains teeth badly and can hinder the mouth's ability to heal small lesions.

Of course, many Americans work diligently to whiten our teeth. I wonder what these tribes people would think of some of our cultural practices? Makes you wonder, huh? I personally think a bright healthy smile is universally beautiful!

Debbie Johnson
Brian D. Johnson , D.M.D
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell, GA 30076

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Roswell Dentist -Team Spotlight- Meet Debbie

I would  like to introduce myself. I am Debbie Johnson and married to Dr. Johnson. I  function as the team leader for our practice. Some offices have office managers. I prefer my title because our team functions so well that I don't really manage them, just coordinate. I manage the appointment schedules,  practice financial business, and all advertisement/social media campaigns. I am also the amateur blogger. Mostly, I want to welcome our patients into our family business and help them to feel happy and comfortable while you visit with us.

Our mission is simple. We treat our patients the way we want to be treated. We want to help you to have the best and most healthy smile possible. We have worked very hard in selecting just the right team members and are very proud of them. Every day I get compliments on our great team. We take care of them so that we can all work together to create a pleasant environment for our patients. Laughter is important in our office. Many new patients comment on how comfortable they feel when they leave.

Brian and I have been married almost twenty years and have two children. I have worked in some capacity in our family business since 1999. I laughingly say that this is my third and favorite career. I graduated from the University of Alabama in the Capstone College of Nursing. I have worked in pediatrics my entire nursing career. I have worked at Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Egleston Children's Hospital, Scottish Rite Children's Hospital, and Pediatric Outpatient Surgery Center. My second career was staying home with our children when they were young. I now enjoy full freedom to guide our business. Our children say that I am obsessed with Chick Fil A; but I am mesmerized by their business model and by their customer service.

Call today, it will be "our pleasure to serve you"!

Debbie Johnson
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell, 30076

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Roswell Dentist -Team Spotlight- Our Dental Hygienist, Samantha

Having a great team is key to the success of any business, and ours is no different. We are very proud of our team . We would like to introduce you to Samantha Adams. Samantha is a Registered Dental Hygienist and has worked with Dr. Johnson for 2 years. She has been a RDH for 20 years! Her patients tell us that she is so gentle and they look forward to their dental cleaning appointments. She does an excellent job of educating our patients on the importance of caring for their teeth and gums. She has an infectious personality and we feel lucky to have her. She is pure Southern Charm!

Samantha has two children and is very busy driving them to all of their soccer events. Look for her on the soccer field!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Roswell Dentist Team Spotlight

Having a great team is key to the success of any business, and ours is no different. We are very proud of our team .
We would like to introduce you to Kimberly Crawford. She is a certified dental assistant and has worked with Dr Johnson as a full time dental assistant for almost 2 years. Kimberly has a wonderful chair side manner and will make you feel relaxed when you arrive at our office! Kim serves everyone with a smile and we are thrilled that she chooses to be part of our team. We can't imagine our day without her!
When she is not working with us, she is busy raising two beautiful children. Many of our patients recognize her from her part time job at Publix on Bethany Road.

Brian D.Johnson, D.M.D
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell, GA 30076

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Crazy cultural dental rituals...

Brian and I were at home last night and saw an episode of Bizarre Foods. Yes, I know that is weird enough on it's own...Brian's choice, not mine...Anyway, the show was about Indonesia. One of the customs of that culture is to file down the canine teeth. I have attached the link. It made my toes curl! The video clip is about 2 minutes long. It might just make you happy to come to the dentist. Pay close attention to the general LACK of cleanliness...of course, that is what we noticed!

Now you know what your dentist watches at night when he is off duty! At least after watching some of those episodes, he is happy to eat whatever is on the Johnson menu for the night!

We hope you enjoy this little quirky bit of cross cultural dental information!

Have you heard of an unusual cultural dental custom?

Debbie Johnson

Brian Johnson, DMD
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell,GA 30076

Monday, May 2, 2011

Roswell Dentist- Effects of Eating Disorders on Oral Health

Anorexia and bulimia can damage your teeth in several ways. A bulimic individual engages in a cycle of binge eating and vomiting. The stomach acids in the vomit pass through the mouth and can erode tooth enamel, causing cavities, discoloration and tooth loss. Since teeth appear worn and yellow, a dentist may be the first to notice signs of this eating disorder. Cosmetic dentistry can help correct deteriorated tooth enamel.

In anorexia, semi-starvation deprives the body of the nutrients it needs. Osteoporosis can develop, weakening the bones in the jaw that support teeth, leading to tooth loss.

In both diseases, it is critical to treat the underlying causes that lead to anorexia and bulimia as well as the dental complications resulting from them. While a dentist can correct the deteriorated tooth enamel, he or she cannot treat the actual eating disorder. Should you have an eating disorder —or think you might —talk to your physician.

Thanks to Colgate for this informative article

Over the years, I have seen patients who have recovered from purging eating disorders. They deal with the sensitivity associated with the erosion of the enamel. There are some treatments available to assist this

Brian D. Johnson, DMD
1240 Upper Hembree Road
Suite C
Roswell, GA 30076